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Apple Pie, アップルパイ味


English Name:
Apple Pie
Native Name:
オトナの甘さ (Sweetness for Adults)
Japan 🇯🇵, USA 🇺🇸
Earliest Record:
Strong cinnamon flavor with a hint of apple. Very artificial, but also very accurate.

I’ve seen references to Apple Pie KitKats being released for Easter in 2015 alongside carrot flavored KitKats. In 2020 they were released for Halloween as part of the オトナの甘さ (The sweetness of adults) line.

In 2021 a special Patissier Apple Pie Flavor was released. (I consider this a separate flavor.)
Hershey released a Apple Pie KitKat in the USA in 2020.

In 2019 KitKat USA posted an image of 4 limited edition test flavors of KitKat. Apple Pie was one of the 4 flavors.

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More Sources & Links:
Apple Pie photo by YFNPhilip

Photo from YFNPhilip

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